Sarah is an urbanist, strategist, curator, and writer. She leads Desire Lines, a strategic consultancy for environmental, cultural, and social-impact initiatives and organizations. She is co-author of the book Flourish with URGE’s co-founder Michael Pawlyn, Flourish: Design Paradigms for Our Planetary Emergency.

In this article Sarah shares some insightful examples of city scaled programmes promoting mindfulness and community engagement. Looking beyond the health of our economies being measured as a collection of products and services, and instead advocating for how we can flourish by focusing and implementing our attention on cities as places that we can contribute to making and caring for.

Closer to home in the city of London, with road closures and street obstructions a plenty, why do we prioritise demolition over care for our existing buildings? An article in The New Statesman gives some interesting insights around social housing Why are London’s housing estates choosing to be demolished?

After reading Sarah’s opinion piece, please do share your own initiatives, or reference examples, in your neighbourhood, town, or city, illustrating shifting mindsets or building communities that are flourishing, so we can continue to share ideas and innovations on this channel.

Sarah Ichioka

Centre for Liveable Cities

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