“This book is the work of many minds and many hands” says Hattie Hartman co author with Joe Jack Williams. URGE founder member Sophie Thomas has contributed to the book with a chapter about future material innovations which we look forward to covering later in March.

Published by RIBA

A new study published in Nature Climate Change demonstrates a near-universal global public support for climate action, yet respondents also “systematically underestimate the willingness of their fellow citizens to act”, according to the paper, this creates a potentially challenging “perception gap”. Carbon Brief have summarised these findings below;

The research is based on a globally-representative sample of nearly 130,000 people in 125 countries. It finds that 86% of people “support pro-climate social norms” and 89% would like their governments to do more to tackle warming. Moreover, 69% say they would be willing to contribute 1% of their income to addressing climate change. The authors of the study summarise the importance of positive communication to ignite action in promoting a unified response to climate change. '“the vast majority of people around the world are willing to act against climate change and they expect their national government to act as well”!

Read the full story here.

Calling for solutions addressing the most pressing challenges of our time, Prototypes for humanity have opened their 2024 programme for students and professors.

The winning applications will be invited to Dubai to showcase their projects, with a prize fund of $100,000 you can read the full details and download the application here

And finally Future Observatory have newly launched a podcast exploring design and ecology across fashion, architecture and more.

Listen here.

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