“If someone shifts from a long commute to a walk, their happiness increases as much as if they’d fallen in love.”  From Fast Company comes this story on an Arup report into “50 benefits of walkability in cities”.  Cities Alive: Towards a walking world looks at the “opportunity for cities to embrace walking in response to some of the significant societal, environmental and market challenges they are facing”. According to the report “a walkable city improves mental health, reduces inequality, attracts inward investment, it improves urban micro-climates”. More here with a link to download the full report

Worried about all the plastic crap that usually accompanies Christmas? Surfers Against Sewage can help with its handy “10 ways to ditch the plastic and keep things eco-friendly this Christmas” guide. Details here

More on plastic… Wales will become the first part of the UK to legislate against the use of certain single-use plastics. A new law coming into effect in autumn 2023 “will give local authorities the power to enforce the offence of supplying or offering to supply commonly littered items – even when they are free”. More here

North Face’s Remade line features “a new collection of upcycled coats, each stitched together, Frankenstein-like, from multiple parts,” reports Fast Company. The new jackets are pieced together from clothing returned to the company for repair but which is too badly damaged to be of further use. Instead, North Face designers match pieces from different garments to create the jackets. “Each of the items is unique and recognizably different from the standard product line, like a purple jacket with a single pink sleeve.” More here

Following on from North Face’s efforts, “‘Degrowth’ has been the buzzword of sustainable fashion conversations in 2022. But is it a realistic goal when the fashion industry only seems to be getting bigger?” Asks the New York Times as part of a series on Responsible Fashion. More here

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