“How exhibition designers, institutions and specialist industry bodies can work together to embrace regenerative principles in the gallery and museum sector”: Design Week talks to Event Communications, Material Cultures (which worked with URGE on the Design Museum’s Waste Age show), and Aoife Fannin of the Gallery Climate Coalition. Read the story here

Also in Design Week comes the news that Superflux founders Anab Jain and Jon Ardern are among this year’s recipients of The Royal Society for Arts’ 2022 Royal Designers for Industry (RDI) title. As “both a design and experiential futures company and a research and art practice”, Superflux tries to find ways to “present the complex and interconnected nature of present-day challenges [such as the Climate Crisis] to diverse audiences”. Furniture maker Sebastian Cox was also awarded an RDI, for his work in regenerative design. More here

Struggling to know what to make of the conclusion to COP27? Leo Hickman’s CarbonBrief Daily Briefing has a great round-up of media reaction and analysis from around the world here

Writing for Fast Company, designer, researcher, and urbanist Zung Nguyen Vu shares her advice on turning talk into action when it comes to the Climate Crisis. “In times like this, with looming tax hikes and spending cuts, it’s easy for those in charge to see sustainability as another expense and move to deprioritize it. More than ever, we need to remember that investing in climate and green energy is not just a moral good, it is the key to unlocking future industry and growth.” Read the piece here

“It’s window dressing; it’s built on sand”: Dezeen canvases opinion on the sustainability claims of the Qatar World Cup. Story here

Bloomberg CityLab is launching a newsletter on design and the built environment. Construction Paper will round up news and reviews in architecture, planning and landscape design every other week. More here

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