Supposedly inspired by ancient cooling techniques, Budweiser, BTEC Paris and Frog have designed what they claim to be the first cooler able to refrigerate drinks below 6°C without using electricity. The Bud Ground Cooler can cool up to 300 drinks in clay pots stored underground. “According to Benoit Bomal, science, innovation, strategy and design lead at Frog, the method used for the cooler is based on zeer pots – an ancient evaporative cooling system that places one pot inside another with moist sand in between,” Design Week says. Story here

IKEA-supported design lab SPACE10 recently asked URGE’s Michael Pawlyn and his Flourish co-author Sarah Ichioka to curate their 10 essential books on regeneration for the SPACE10 Library. Find out their choices here

Forum for the Future co-founder, Jonathon Porritt, and its CEO, Dr. Sally Uren discuss the challenges of embedding transformational change within organisations, the urgent need to pursue outcomes that are ecologically safe and socially just, the mental models this demands we embrace, and what keeps them optimistic on the latest episode of the All In Sustainable Business podcast. Listen here

The Patagonia Films website features work from “a collective of storytellers who make films on behalf of our home planet”. Check them all out here  

Research on the opportunities provided by the Circular Economy displays “a strong Global North bias” and “fails to address the impact of circular interventions on people in the Global South” according to a new report by bodies including the International Labour Organisation. “Existing research also focuses disproportionately on job creation and disregards job quality — including working conditions and wages. The report finds that only a handful of studies have examined whether and how a circular economy can alleviate poverty and benefit vulnerable communities in low-income countries,” reports the Sustainable Brands website. More here

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