Antarctica has its first ever flag. Designed by Evan Townsend, it is hoped that the flag - named True South - will help focus support on efforts to protect the Antarctic environment. Design Week has the full story here

The Design Council says its newly-launched Systemic Design Framework “places our people and our planet at the heart of design”. The framework includes six principles for systemic design and is detailed in new report Beyond Net Zero: A Systemic Approach. More here

New York City has sued Exxon, Shell, BP and industry group the American Petroleum Institute for allegedly misrepresenting themselves by selling fuels as "cleaner" and advertising themselves as leaders in fighting climate change. "The defendants in our lawsuit have spent millions to persuade consumers that they present a clean, green choice," said New York City Corporation Counsel James Johnson. "But they don’t." Reuters story here

The court case coincides with ClientEarth publishing The Greenwashing Files. The lawyer group has compared ads produced by ExxonMobil, Aramco, Chevron, Shell, Equinor and others with the companies’ operations and products, overall climate impact and progress toward climate-safe business models. “It’s never been more urgent for companies everywhere to be more sustainable. Yet the ‘green’ advertising of those companies most responsible for climate change and environmental damage is misleading the public about their sustainability,” ClientEarth say. The group is calling for advertising from fossil fuel companies to carry tobacco-style health warnings. Read The Greenwashing Files here

Australia’s Juice Media has created another of its satirical Honest Government’ ads, this time highlighting the Australian and Victorian State Government’s Electric Vehicle policies in typically robust style: enjoy!

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